If you would like Prayers for Healing (Holy Unction) or Holy Communion (Eucharist), or a home visit and prayers for a special need, contact Fr. Vlado (330-819-8463) or Fr. James (234-716-2770).
Blessing of the Home usually takes place at the beginning of a new calendar year (January through March) but can be done anytime. Contact Fr. Vlado (330-819-8463) or Fr. James (234-716-2770).
The St Nicholas Fund contributes to the needs of those in our church family and community. It could include help with monthly bills as well as providing Christmas gifts to a family or other group. Contact Fr. Vlado (330-819-8463) or Fr. James (234-716-2770).
Ladies in Fellowship Together (LIFT) meet together informally at the church at 6:30pm the first Friday of each month. Encouragement, support, laughter, and friendship abound. All women 13 years and up are welcome. Questions? Call or text Presbytera Robin (330-461-4093).
Monthly Men’s Breakfast Club meets informally at 9am the second Saturday of each month. Sometimes practical, sometimes educational, always supportive. Questions? Call or text Fr. James (234-716-2770).
Sunday School every week after Divine Liturgy for children 2 years and older. Children learning their faith and learning how to love God.
Church Picnic is held every September as part of the celebration of the new liturgical year. This is the perfect time for curious friends of parish members to get a tour of the church, ask about the Orthodox faith, and get to know us.
The Choir is a vital part of each Orthodox service as it responds to and enriches the readings and prayers of the priest and the people. If you enjoy singing and lifting your voice in praise, there is a place for you in our choir. Call Popadia Toni (330-819-8464)
Orthodox Christian Women (OCW) Monthly women’s meeting of all Akron area Orthodox churches designed to teach and encourage women of faith in their journey toward salvation. Bible and book study series twice yearly, retreats, teas, socials and more. Call our church secretary for dates and details (330-714-9844).
Council of Orthodox Churches of Akron (COCA) Fun social events sponsored by area churches designed to welcome those inquiring about the Orthodox faith and to financially support seminary students. Find out more at https://www.orthodoxakron.org/ or call our church secretary for event dates and details (330-714-9844).
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is the humanitarian relief and development agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. IOCC works in cooperation with the Orthodox Church and other partners to serve people in need. In the spirit of Christ’s love, IOCC offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond. By God’s grace, IOCC will equips those suffering and in need to continue to improve their lives and communities and to have means to live with dignity, respect, and hope. Each of us can be a part of the solution. More information at IOCC.org.